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Please be aware that, as of 07/09/23, the following hardcopy items, relating to the current proposal to close the Blakeney Surgery, can be found placed on the first table on the left-hand-side inside the main door of Langham Church  :

1). There is a supply of the Template Letter Format, to be sent separately to both the Holt Medical Practice and the Norfolk & Waveney ICB, as prepared by Blakeney Parish Council and the other main campaigners, that Langham residents are welcome to take away. If you want to send an actual signed hardcopy of this same Template Letter of concern / protest, then please do just help yourself to a couple of copies of it and then Post them off separately to the HMP and the ICB.

2). There is a supply of Blank Petition Forms ( similar to the ones currently placed in the Blakeney Spar Supermarket and the Blakeney Petrol Station ). If any Langham residents want to sign this same Petition, then please just simply add the requested details to these pages  -  AND THEN LEAVE THEM IN THE CHURCH TO BE COLLECTED AND RETURNED BY THE PARISH COUNCIL BEFORE 27/09/23.


Thank You.  



      Langham Community Speed Watch Group is Looking for Volunteer Recruits.


In response to complaints, from residents of Langham about speeding traffic in their area, Norfolk Constabulary are looking for willing volunteers to join a Community Speed Watch team in the parish.  The group carries out sessions at sites of concern within Langham with the view of reducing speeding vehicles by means of detection and the sending out of warning letters to registered keepers of vehicles.

Norfolk Constabulary and its partners are committed to reducing road casualties.  Communities are empowered to assist this commitment, making neighbourhoods safer and improving residents’ quality of life.

Therefore, if you have spare time, just one hour a week, and you would like to help your community of Langham become a safer place to live in, please let us know.   


Any offers of help would be very much appreciated and we would ask you to either contact the Group’s Coordinator, Alan at 07773-820774, or else you can contact Community Speedwatch by email at  to obtain details of the scheme and an Application Form.  


Alternatively, you can contact the Volunteers Department of Norfolk Constabulary on 01953-425699 (Extension 2372) for details.

Thank you.



      Langham Mobile Library Timetable



Please click here to access the latest Library Timetable for Langham Area 

Thank you.



      Wellbeing Newsletter - Scams, "Don't get fooled again"


We make no apologies for shamelessly paraphrasing The Who.  Summer is a time when we can find ourselves looking forward to having a relaxing time in new places, having new experiences and meeting new people.  This also means that we can sometimes let our guard down and find ourselves falling foul of Scammers and Fraudsters.

In this newsletter we share recent advice and resources from the Norfolk Against Scams Partnership (NASP), Trading Standards and Which on "cons" to look out for and how to avoid being scammed....


Please click here for Latest Wellbeing Newsletter from Norfolk Association of Local Councils 


Thank you.





Over the period since late September 2021, following contact and discussions with a variety of relevant local individuals and organisations, including Norfolk County Council ( NCC ) Highways Department ( via their Officer Mr Steve White ), please now take note of the following proposal being made on the part of Langham Parish Council in respect of North Street.

Given an inability to achieve a solution by other means and approaches, and given the daily incidence of obstructive parking on the part of a whole range of vehicle types and sizes, which gives rise to a highly unsafe and dangerous highway condition, it has been decided to provide some element of a Visibility Splay Zone feature to both sides of the access point to the Rippingall Yard cul-de-sac area, on the western side of North Street, by the careful placing of 6 separate Wooden Planter units along the curtilage strip to the road carriageway in that local vicinity.


This measure is designed in order to provide for an improved line-of-sight, for both vehicles and pedestrians attempting to emerge from the Rippingall Yard area, to both the north and the south aspects along the North Street roadway, so that early-sight can be gained of not only the presence of any approaching traffic, but also an assessment made of its proximity and its approaching speed.

Recent data, which is regularly being collected in relation to traffic movements along North Street, is producing a picture of a reasonably busy road, for a rural village, with high volumes of through traffic which, unfortunately, have been shown to often be travelling at excessive speed levels for the surrounding context and in an existing 20 mph speed limit area too.


We would request that any feedback on these proposed Planters be left on the Langham Parish Council web site contact section, as follows :


We would ask that all feedback is given by 28th February 2023.

Subject to the feedback received, it is proposed to formally apply to Norfolk County Council Highways for approval.







Important information for bird keepers in the Wells-next-the-sea area Please read and take appropriate action as outlined below by Wednesday 25 January 2023 There is a confirmed outbreak of a highly pathogenic strain of Avian Influenza on premises local to you. This letter is being sent to residents in the Wells-next-the-sea area, within a 3 km radius of that premises. The Animal & Plant Health Agency (APHA) and Norfolk County Council are working together to manage the outbreak and communicate with residents.


Click here for Full Details

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